IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: Top 8 Bài Mẫu Hay Nhất

Tham khảo những bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9 là việc vô cùng cần thiết nếu bạn muốn nâng cao điểm số ở kỹ năng này. Trong bài viết này, Onluyen sẽ cung cấp những bài viết chất lượng đạt band cao để tham khảo trong quá trình ôn luyện nhé!

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 1

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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 1
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 1

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Fresh water has always been a rare natural resource in certain dry places of the earth from time immemorial. However, due to a variety of factors, fresh water scarcity has now become a global issue. This essay will discuss some of the elements that contribute to this problem, as well as specific methods that can assist national authorities and individuals in limiting the growing demand for natural salt-free water.

First and foremost, population growth is a critical issue that has resulted in a global increase in potable water demand. Second, growing pollution of natural fresh water supplies as a result of urbanization and industrialization has raised demand. Furthermore, in modern times, the increased usage of salt-free water for activities such as recreational swimming has accelerated the rise in worldwide water demand.

National authorities, on the other hand, can control the increase by undertaking public education campaigns about responsible water use. Strict national legislation is also essential to prevent natural fresh water resource pollution. Furthermore, the government should establish infrastructure for the purification of seawater into saline-free water, which will aid in fulfilling the increased demand for fresh water.

Similarly, the general people may help this great cause by conserving water and lowering their regular household water usage. They should prevent from engaging in activities that pollute natural fresh water reservoirs.

Even though fresh water scarcity is a developing global issue, there are different means and methods accessible through which both the government and individuals may prevent it from deteriorating. 

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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 2

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Bài mẫu số 2

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I completely agree with the statement that the Earth’s natural green reserves filter its atmosphere and act similarly to mammalian lungs. I also believe that deforestation will devastate our current world.

To begin, we may reaffirm from our basic knowledge of plant physiology that plants, through the process of photosynthesis, convert the deadly carbon-dioxide gas into oxygen, without which life cannot survive.  Thus, in a broader sense, the earth’s forests filter the atmosphere and thus aid in the survival of life. Second, environmentalists have demonstrated that the rapid degradation of forests is a major contributor to global warming. As a result of the depletion of natural green reserves, global temperatures may rise to the point where agricultural land becomes parched, resulting in widespread starvation and mortality. Third, woods are home to a variety of life species that would become extinct if humanity continued to destroy their natural habitats.

Furthermore, scientific study has shown that forest ecosystems operate as natural scavengers, and through the process of biodegradation, forest ecology contributes to the production of crude oil, which fuels our contemporary world, and its unavailability is unthinkable since it will directly cause a global economic crisis. Finally, woods are a source of several medicinal plants, from which a variety of modern medications are manufactured; the finest example being quinine, an antimalarial drug produced from the barks of Cinchona trees. As a result, forest degradation will be a curse for the medical community.

Thus, if our natural green reserves are progressively destroyed, the harmony of the existing wonderful would be damaged, and there is a theoretical potential that the blue globe may become lifeless if these green lungs are completely wiped out.

Đề số 3

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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 3
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 3

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Because we spend the great majority of our adult lives working, it is critical that we have a career that matches our goals. While money compensation is a significant component that draws people to a certain profession, there are other factors that are equally vital in making a job perfect.

To begin with, in today’s materialistic world, the importance of financial security cannot be overstated. Because the vast majority of people earn their living from their occupations, it will be difficult for individuals with a single source of income to make ends meet from low-wage jobs. As a result of their financial constraints, underpaid employees may be unable to deliver dedication and commitment at work, resulting in underperformance. Second, because low-wage positions are less appealing to educated people, they avoid them. As a result, the remuneration is a key aspect in determining the worth of a given work.

However, glorifying increased pay as the primary determinant of an excellent work is erroneous. This is because a variety of other elements, such as work-life balance, workplace culture, and proper recognition, all contribute to job satisfaction and fulfillment. Thus, a higher-paying job with a demanding boss, a poor social life, and a dull work environment will result in higher job discontent, which will promote higher attrition.

employment satisfaction is an equally essential linked component that affects the worth of a certain employment, in addition to financial remuneration, which is a primary determiner of a good career.

Đề số 4

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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 4
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 4

Bài làm:

Although university education is clearly aimed at providing profitable work prospects for advanced students, there are a number of other linked benefits of tertiary education that should be mentioned.

Firstly, market research in the United States and other developed countries has proven that postgraduates can fetch a significantly better income at the workplace when compared to graduates or simple high school diploma holders. Furthermore, certain white collared highly regarded occupations, such as those of physicians, engineers, and scientists, can only be pursued after graduating from the corresponding university courses. Furthermore, in particular sectors, such as management, the legitimacy of various colleges is measured by their ability to produce sparkling well-paid employment offers for their fresh graduates during campus placements. As a result, university education is widely regarded as a means of improving one’s employability.

In this context, it is worth noting that, in addition to providing students with lucrative jobs, universities benefit the nation by creating educated societies that contain a large pool of forward-thinking individuals who can contribute to social development through their respective expertise. Individuals who have graduated from universities benefit from multicultural environments that foster intercultural tolerance and brotherhood. Individuals benefit from teamwork and collaborative development as a result of the tertiary education process. Aside from that, university campus culture fosters several long-lasting friendships, business relationships, and courtships.

To sum up, it can be firmly claimed that, aside from providing respectable work, university education has numerous connected positive elements that are of considerable social and individual relevance.

Đề số 5

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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 5
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 5

Bài làm:

The travel sector enjoyed a significant rise in the latter half of the twentieth century, and it was a blessing in disguise, assisting several poorer nations in reviving their faltering economies. While concerns have been made about the negative consequences of the travel industry’s rise, these do not exceed the related benefits.

On the one hand, the economic boost that comes with a strong tourism business is well known, and Thailand is the best example. The whole Thai economy hinges around tourism, and the country’s socioeconomic status has improved as a result of its thriving hospitality sector.  Egypt is another country that is strongly reliant on the hospitality industry. The increase in the number of inbound tourists opens up several opportunities for local entrepreneurship and job creation. International investments and infrastructure development are also involved. To protect the safety of international visitors, national authorities strengthen law and order enforcement, transportation, and healthcare facilities, all of which benefit the local community.

On the other hand, an increase in the number of tourists is related with an increase in crime, prostitution, and antisocial activities such as narcotics, human trafficking, and gambling, all of which have an impact on indigenous society’s values. The rise in property value indices has an impact on the local people as well. Environmentalists are also concerned about environmental remodeling caused by increased visitor activity in natural reserves. In this context, it is worth noting that governments can limit most of the negative effects of tourism by maintaining severe law and order and establishing rigorous legislation.

In conclusion,  It can be firmly stated that, while the rise of the travel industry has certain negative social consequences, these do not outweigh the sector’s contributions to social progress.

Bài mẫu số 6

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Bài mẫu số 6

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Visual expression in mediums such as television, photography, and films are becoming popular in modern society as strong forms of expression when compared to the simple humdrum printed medium, thanks to the development of superior telecommunication and photographic technologies.

On the one hand, the growing preference and usage of visual resources over written communication is obvious, and the expanding use of video-based learning in modern institutions over text-based information transfer is the best illustration. Visual communication is a significant tool in today’s evidence-seeking environment since it gives recognized facts. Meticulously designed pictures, such as political cartoons and television documentaries, readily carry the concerned messages to observers and are especially useful in conveying ideas to the busy and uninformed portions of society. Television is also assaulted with various catchy advertising in which businesses attempt to communicate with the general public about their products.

On the other hand, the appeal of printed media as a form of mass communication is dwindling as the younger generation regards it as outdated and dull. Furthermore, in today’s fast-paced modern city life, few individuals can afford to devote time to reading daily morning newsprints; instead, most city dwellers follow daily-televised news. Despite the declining popularity of mass communication, the written word retains its importance in interpersonal and formal communication. Written words can never be replaced as a form of formal documentation by any other medium.

To sum up, while visual communication is undoubtedly a more popular, powerful, and effective instrument for mass communication, written expression is still important for official, formal, and interpersonal purposes.

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Đề số 7

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Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 7
Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 7

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In some countries, it is desired that students take a year out from education after finishing high school before enrolling in universities, and they are encouraged to work or travel during this time. Even while this appears to be a great concept, it has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, which will be discussed in this article.

To begin with, a year off after years of constant school study is a welcome and well-deserved break for pupils. This break also provides as well-deserved family time for students who grew up within the confines of boarding schools. Second, this time period provides many possibilities for young people to become acquainted with the realities of the modern world. Students who desire a break can try out several types of employment and then decide on their professional objectives and directions based on their experiences. Holidaymakers, on the other hand, can become acquainted with the customs and cultures of many nations, which will broaden their horizons and foster cultural tolerance. Thus, in a broader sense, such breaks benefit the young. In a broader sense, such breaks assist young minds in preparation for the tough university life.

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks to this concept that should be mentioned. For starters, academics believe that such pauses from studies during the learning phase of life have an impact on future schooling. According to them, such activities should not be promoted because there is a greater risk that young minds will lose interest in learning or would get demotivated for a variety of reasons and will eventually stop from pursuing university education. Second, the employed youth may be drawn to other social evils such as drugs, gambling, and drunkenness as a result of a rapid increase in their spending power.

To summarize, while such policies are good practices, they should not be made necessary on a national scale because they are also connected with significant negative outcomes.

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 9: số 8

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Bài mẫu số 8

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The proliferation of digital platforms has stemmed from technological improvement. As a result, the vast majority of people no longer believe that daily newspapers are required. As a result, an up-to-date broadcast, in my opinion, is now available on electronic devices. In the following paragraphs, I shall elaborate on my point of view. There are several reasons to believe this.

On the one hand, getting news on the internet currently has a number of advantages. To begin with, internet papers keep readers more up to date than traditional periodicals. For example, we can obtain worldwide updates instantly over the internet, but it would take publishers a few days to examine and formally publish the data. Second, the internet allows people to obtain free material and up-to-date information without having to buy physical newspapers from stores, saving them money and time.

On the other hand, I believe that physical diaries are still necessary for a multitude of reasons. The first is that they are among the most trustworthy sources of information. Because anybody can produce and publish articles to the internet, they may contain untrustworthy content that has not been thoroughly checked before publication. Furthermore, online journals are usually harmful to people’s health. For example, if we spend many hours each day on our mobile phone or computer reading online news, this may have a severe impact, particularly on our eyes.  

To summarize, while people are increasingly accessing alternative media to obtain global information, this does not mean that physical press is no longer necessary.

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