IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Cấu Trúc Essay Từng Dạng

Viết IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure theo từng dạng như thế nào cho hiệu quả? Đây chắc hẳn là nỗi lo của nhiều bạn mới học viết IELTS Writing Task 2. Bạn đừng lo lắng quá nhé, Onluyen sẽ giải đáp câu hỏi trên thông qua bài viết dưới đây. 

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure là gì?

Việc nắm được cách bố trí IELTS Writing Task 2 structure là một kỹ năng quan trọng có thể quyết định việc bạn có đạt được điểm số mong muốn hay không. Vì vậy, Onluyen đã tổng hợp những cấu trúc IELTS Writing Task 2 thông dụng nhất dưới đây.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure là gì?
IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure là gì?

Phần lớn các bài luận Task 2 đều tuân theo cấu trúc cơ bản sau:

  1. Introduction – Phần giới thiệu
  2. Main body paragraph 1
  3. Main body paragraph 2
  4. Conclusion

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure theo từng dạng

Dưới đây là 5 dạng bài trong IELTS Writing Task 2;

  • Opinion
  • Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Problem and Solution
  • Discussion
  • Two-part Question

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Opinion

Để nhận biết dạng Agree or Disagree, bạn chỉ cần chú ý đến câu hỏi sau khi đề bài đưa ra vấn đề. Dạng đề agree-disagree thường có câu hỏi như sau:

  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • What is your opinion?
  • Direct question.

Cấu trúc mà Onluyen đề xuất cho dạng bài này là:

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Opinion
IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Opinion

Ví dụ: In some nations, unemployment is so rampant that some have advised that children should quit their education after primary school in order to obtain the skills needed to enter the labor field. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

With the rising unemployment rate, many countries believe that children should stop getting education after primary school and instead enter the labor field after learning the necessary skills. I strongly oppose this notion for a variety of reasons.

The most important reason I do not support the notion is that I do not see its usefulness. If this plan were to be implemented immediately, society should expect an increase in the number of teens declaring that they are suitable for work within a few years. In this hypothetical scenario, elder generations continue to struggle to find work due to worldwide unemployment. As a result, competition for jobs will be even more intense for both generations. This strategy is ineffective because it would just generate more labor without providing job ads to accommodate it.

Another reason I believe this approach is misguided is that I believe education beyond primary school is necessary. Primary schools offer kids very basic arithmetic and language abilities. Furthermore, the majority of students this age lack self-discipline. This means that students will require substantial education to gain both in-depth information and soft skills in order to be prepared for the workforce. The current educational system addresses this issue by providing pupils with academic knowledge as well as numerous opportunities for practice. Group assignments and the pressure to do well can help to develop communication skills and self-discipline. Overall, this new method accomplishes nothing that the current system cannot. 

In conclusion, I oppose the proposal since it is both ineffective and unimaginative. Instead of proposing that students drop out of formal schooling at such a young age, unemployment must be addressed through different measures.

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Advantages & Disadvantages

Để nhận biết dạng Advantages & Disadvantages, bạn chỉ cần chú ý đến câu hỏi sau khi đề bài đưa ra vấn đề. Dạng đề Advantages & Disadvantages thường có câu hỏi như sau: 

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages? 
  • Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Cấu trúc cho dạng bài này là:

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Advantages & Disadvantages
IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Advantages & Disadvantages

Ví dụ: Many offices now have open-space designs rather than distinct rooms. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

It’s become a big issue of contention in recent years as open-space offices are replacing working sections with distinct rooms. The pros of this tendency, in my opinion, outweigh the negatives.

On the one hand, open areas offer two disadvantages: increased distraction and health hazards for employees. For starters, working in a shared place is prone to distraction. An employee is subjected to a slew of distractions, ranging from phone call noises to colleagues speaking. Furthermore, a shared workplace area is a perfect environment for disease transmission. Consider the “3 green” model used by many firms in Vietnam during the peak of Covid-19; because employees lived in close proximity, Covid-19 spread quickly and the model had to be introduced quickly.

Despite the problems, I feel the benefits of open-plan offices outweigh the drawbacks. For starters, an open-plan office can improve communication and develop employee friendships. Employees can communicate with one another more freely and quickly in an open space. As a result, ideas flow more freely and inventions emerge more swiftly. Furthermore, by working together and having more opportunities to get to know one another, employees can build stronger friendships, enhancing the company’s culture. Furthermore, open-plan workplaces save money on utilities like printers, scanners, and lockers. Employees in an open-plan office can share these utilities, whereas isolated offices require a plethora of these items.

Finally, I believe that the benefits of open-plan offices outweigh the disadvantages. Open-space offices are the future of working space because of its capacity to help companies decrease costs while also facilitating connection and innovation.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Problem and Solution

Đối với dạng đề này, bạn cần chú ý đến 2 câu hỏi sau khi đề bài đã giới thiệu về chủ đề, để biết rõ đề bài yêu cầu bạn làm gì. Có 3 dạng yêu cầu chính:

  • Dạng nguyên nhân (causes) – giải pháp (solutions): Bạn sẽ phân tích những yếu tố gây ra vấn đề được nêu trong đề bài và những biện pháp khắc phục/cải thiện vấn đề đó;
  • Dạng nguyên nhân (causes) – tác hại (problems): Bạn sẽ phân tích những yếu tố và từ đó chỉ ra những hậu quả mà vấn đề đó gây ra;
  • Dạng Tác hại (problems) – giải pháp (solutions): Bạn sẽ giới thiệu những hậu quả và đưa ra biện pháp cho từng hậu quả đó.

Bạn có thể tham khảo cấu trúc sau:

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Problem and Solution
IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Problem and Solution

Ví dụ: The world’s major cities are rapidly expanding, as are their issues. What are the issues that young people in various cities are dealing with? Provide some solutions.

Currently, people prefer to relocate to cosmopolitan places. While this has generated various disadvantages for young people, including a scarcity of housing and a high cost of living, I believe there are a number of viable answers.

To begin with, fast urban population increase has created two key issues for young people. First, the young population must deal with a housing crisis. The rate at which people migrate exceeds the rate at which cities can create infrastructure. As a result, as the population grows exponentially, housing will become scarce, forcing people to relocate to locations with worse living standards. House prices in Hong Kong, for example, can reach around 2,000 US dollars per square foot due to a scarcity of land. Many people have been forced to relocate to flats that can only accommodate a bed. Another difficulty is that the expense of living in these cosmopolitan cities is higher than in rural areas. In America, for example, the cost of living in Atlanta is half that in New York.

Despite the difficulties, I believe there are two viable solutions to the aforementioned challenges. First and foremost, the government should shift enterprises to the outskirts of the city and neighboring regions. More land can be freed up for housing purposes as a result of this. Furthermore, because job opportunities are distributed equitably across the country, a city would not confront a wave of migration. Second, a price stabilization program for basic necessities should be implemented. This is to ensure that private enterprises must adhere to the law’s defined price band, ensuring that city people always have access to food, water, power, and gasoline at a reasonable price.

To summarize, the tendency of migration to big cities has two drawbacks for young people: a lack of housing and a high cost of living. Nonetheless, company relocation and price stabilization for basic goods can assist address these issues.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure: Discussion

Dạng Discussion là một dạng đề khá dễ nhận biết. Sau khi đề bài đưa ra vấn đề, dạng đề Discussion thường có yêu cầu sau: 

  • Discuss both views and state your opinion

Dưới đây là cấu trúc phổ biến cho dạng bài này:

Cấu trúc của bài Discussion
Cấu trúc của bài Discussion

Ví dụ: Some people feel that schools should pick students based on their academic ability, while others believe that students of varying abilities should study together. Discuss both points of view and express your own.

Some argue that students should be admitted primarily on their academic credentials, while others contend that institutions should pick students with diverse skill sets. I absolutely favor the latter proposal because it can lead to a more holistic approach to schooling.

On the one hand, selecting pupils based on their ability is useful to some extent. This is due to the fact that pupils with differing academic strengths learn at different rates. As a result, pairing them together in a lesson will confuse weaker students and waste time for stronger students. Schools can have more well-paced curriculums by segregating students depending on skill sets. For example, all gifted schools in Vietnam feature specialized classes where students can gain knowledge in their chosen topic more extensively, allowing them to advance in their academic ability faster. Meanwhile, students in regular classrooms can study these courses at their leisure.

On the other hand, proponents of integrating students with diverse abilities have reason to believe that this method will result in a more comprehensive learning environment. Because each student excels in a particular area, students in a mixed class will have the opportunity to share their knowledge with one another. Students who are well-versed in a subject might help others learn by sharing their knowledge. Furthermore, students in these programs will be able to broaden their knowledge on all subjects, becoming more well-rounded individuals, whereas students in specialized classes will miss out on the opportunity to pursue their interests in other areas.

To recap, classifying students based on their academic ability can help teachers create lessons that are appropriate for the students’ learning pace. However, I believe that integrating pupils of varying levels is preferable since it produces citizens who are academically well-rounded.

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Two-part question

Dạng two-part essay là một dạng đề trong IELTS Writing Task 2 structure, khi đề bài đưa ra một vấn đề và yêu cầu bạn trả lời những câu hỏi khác nhau.

Cấu trúc Onluyen đề xuất bạn cho dạng bài này là:

Cấu trúc của bài Two-part question
Cấu trúc của bài Two-part question

Ví dụ: People in various places of the world try to trace their ancestors. Why do individuals behave in this manner? Is it positive or negative in your opinion?

Many people believe that ancestral lineage study is crucial in today’s world. In this article, I will attempt to demonstrate why people in some locations make an effort to learn more about their relatives and come to the conclusion that the phenomenon is positive.

The desire to become closer to one’s own family and learn about the family’s health records can explain the trend of uncovering family history. Concerning the first point, it is true that ancestral lineage research allows family members to be reconnected. This could be very helpful to orphans or individuals who don’t know who their parents are. DNA tests, for example, have enabled many people who have no family find long-lost cousins including siblings and sisters they never knew they had. Moving on to the second point, knowing a family’s medical history improves comprehension of genetically inheritable medical disorders such as asthma, obesity, and diabetes.As a result, people would take proper action to find ways to lessen the negative impacts of diseases.  

From my perspective, the strong desire to discover one’s family history can be viewed positively because of its significance in preserving familial culture and rituals and pushing individuals to overcome life’s difficulties. The finding of ancestry is one of the most important in preserving one’s family’s culture and traditions. Once the descendants understand the importance of cultural values passed down from earlier generations, they will be more willing to preserve and promote such intangible benefits. Furthermore, one of the noteworthy benefits of researching family roots is the ability to self-motivate. During the discovery, people would be more aware of the barriers that their forefathers conquered, motivating them to be courageous and brave in coping with life’s challenges.  

To conclude, ancestor research is motivated by a desire to build a deep link with previous generations and learn about familial health data. This development, in my opinion, is excellent because of its benefits in preserving culture and enhancing people’s motivation in life.

Trên đây là những giải đáp của Onluyen về các dạng IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure thường gặp. Hy vọng những thông tin trên sẽ giúp bạn trên hành trình chinh phục điểm IELTS của mình.

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