Music IELTS Speaking: Bài Mẫu Và Từ Vựng Band Cao

Music IELTS Speaking –  Đây là một chủ đề có vẻ dễ nhưng lại khó làm hài lòng các thí sinh. Mặc dù đây là một chủ đề rất quen thuộc, nhưng những từ vựng liên quan lại khá chuyên ngành và ít khi được dùng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày. Vì vậy, việc nắm chắc vốn từ vựng cùng ngữ pháp đúng giúp tăng điểm số trong bài thi là một yếu tố bạn không thể bỏ qua.

Qua bài viết này, Onluyen sẽ cung cấp cho bạn một số bài mẫu và từ vựng cần thiết để chinh phục chủ đề nói này.

Music IELTS Speaking: part 1

Dưới đây là những câu hỏi trong phần IELTS Speaking Part 1 mà bạn có thể gặp:

Music IELTS Speaking: part 1
Music IELTS Speaking: part 1

What types of music do you enjoy listening to?

My musical tastes are wide. I enjoy classical, jazz, and pop music. But, for me, music is more than simply the melody or the lyrics; it is about the emotional connection it produces. That is why I gravitate toward music with a powerful and significant message, such as protest songs or ballads about love and sorrow.

Từ vựng band cao: 

  • Emotional connection: sự kết nối cảm xúc
  • Musical tastes: khẩu vị âm nhạc
  • Gravitate toward: hướng tới

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Which musical instrument would you pick up if you could?

If I could learn to play a musical instrument, I would want to learn to play the piano. It’s a really flexible and beautiful instrument that may inspire a wide range of emotions and moods, in my opinion. Playing the piano, which demands both technical skill and artistic interpretation, I believe will help me improve my creativity.

Từ vựng band cao: 

  • Musical instrument: nhạc cụ
  • Inspire: Truyền cảm hứng

Have you listened to different music when you were younger?

Yes, absolutely. My musical tastes expanded as I grew older, and I began to enjoy numerous genres and styles. I believe that our musical tastes evolve naturally as we gather new experiences and shape our personalities. When I was a teenager, for example, I was more drawn to angst-ridden rock music, which represented my sentiments of rebellion and disappointment. As I attempt to focus on the beauty and joy in life, I now prefer music that is more uplifting and pleasant.

Từ vựng band cao:

  • Shape our personalities: hình thành nhân cách
  • Be drawn to: bị thu hút bởi
  • Attempt to: cố gắng 
  • Uplifting: nâng cao tinh thần

Music IELTS Speaking: part 2

Khi được hỏi, bạn sẽ có 1 phút để chuẩn bị và sắp xếp những ý mình sẽ trả lời, và 2 phút trình bày cho đến khi được giám khảo yêu cầu dừng lại.

Music IELTS Speaking: part 2
Music IELTS Speaking: part 2

Bạn có thể tham khảo câu trả lời mẫu cho Part 2 dưới đây:

Describe a song that you like

I have several songs on loop. However, if I had to pick one, it would be Lady Gaga’s Born This Way. It’s a pop tune from her eponymous second album. The song swiftly rose to the top of the Billboard Hot 100 chart and received great reviews from the general public as well as reviewers.

It’s a pure pop tune, but the fact that Gaga wrote it adds to the excitement. She stated in an interview that she wrote the song in about 2 minutes. I remember hearing this song for the first time after school, when I was at home. It had been roughly 11 years. I was watching the Grammys when the presenter announced her performance. I have to admit that after the first 15 seconds, I was fully hooked on the song.

For a variety of reasons, this song is constantly on my playlist. To begin with, the song’s beat is incredibly catchy. Its cheery melody instantly raised my mood and made me want to dance to the pace. Second, her innovative performance astonished me. The dancing, lighting effects, and her exquisite clothes all led to her stage being near-perfect. She was able to dance the entire time while still maintaining a flawless voice.  Last but not least, the song’s words completely moved me. I was astounded by how powerful words could be. She inspired people to believe in themselves and to love themselves. Her message was clear: regardless of age, gender, or ethnicity, we all deserve to be respected and treated respectfully. 

This song, in my opinion, will never go out of style and will always be a part of popular culture.

Từ vựng band cao:

  • Eponymous: cùng tên
  • Swiftly: nhanh chóng
  • A multitude of: vô số
  • Catchy: bắt tai
  • Cherry melody: giai điệu ngọt ngào
  • Exquisite: tinh tế
  • Ethnicity: dân tộc
  • Deserve: xứng đáng

Music IELTS Speaking: part 3

Ở phần này, bạn hãy cố gắng sử dụng những từ vựng cao cấp và trình bày ngắn gọn, rõ ràng. Bạn có thể xem những câu trả lời mẫu dưới đây cho phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 3.

Music IELTS Speaking: part 3
Music IELTS Speaking: part 3

What genres of music are currently and will be popular in your nation?

The most popular genre in Vietnam has to be pop; after all, it’s called ‘pop’ for a reason. Pop songs are typically successful due to their peppy tune and catchy lyrics, which allow listeners to easily sing along. Furthermore, thanks to the creation of two seasons of the television show Rap Viet, Vietnamese rap music has recently swept the entire country by storm. This is the first time rap music and singers have appeared on national television, breaking stereotypes and garnering appeal among the general population.

Từ vựng band cao:

  • Peppy tune: giai điệu vui vẻ
  • Catchy: bắt tai
  • Sweep the entire country by storm: càn quét cả nước như cơn bão
  • Garner appeal among the general population: tạo được sức hấp dẫn trong quần chúng 
  • Stereotypes: khuôn mẫu 

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What music appeals to the elderly?

Personally, I believe people prefer to listen to classic folk tunes with important lyrics. I believe they want each song to tell a whole tale, which is why today’s catchy tunes are not their cup of tea. Furthermore, the elderly enjoy hearing songs that highlight the beauty of a location, such as rivers, local delicacies, or villages, since it reminds them of home. Furthermore, people with a strong feeling of patriotism like historic music.

Từ vựng band :

  • Cup of tea: sự yêu thích
  • Remind: gợi nhắc
  • Patriotism: lòng yêu nước
Tổng hợp từ vựng Music IELTS Speaking
Từ vựng Music IELTS Speaking

What factors do you believe shape a young person’s musical preferences?

I believe that the environment is a big source of inspiration for musicians. Folk tunes, for example, may appeal to someone who grew up in a conventional family. Furthermore, children are vulnerable to the people around them. They may fall in love with music merely because those around them do. They regularly upgrade to new hot music out of fear of being left behind. Furthermore, young people enjoy a musical genre since it corresponds to their experiences and sentiments.

Từ vựng band cao: 

  • Inspiration: cảm hứng
  • Vulnerable: dễ bị tổn thương
  • Be left behind: bỏ lại phía sau
  • Correspond: phù hợp

Tổng hợp từ vựng Music IELTS Speaking

Dưới đây là một số từ/cụm từ cho Music IELTS Speaking:

Từ/cụm từNghĩa
AcousticNhạc Acoustic
JazzNhạc Jazz
OrchestraNhạc giao hưởng
ClassicalNhạc cổ điển
OperaNhạc thính phòng
Epic musicNhạc không lời
Heavy metalNhạc rock mạnh
National anthemQuốc ca
Sing along to somethingHát theo
To be tone deafĐiếc âm
Take up a musical instrumentHọc chơi một loại nhạc cụ 
To be released Được phát hành
Touch someone’s heart Chạm đến trái tim ai đó
Keep oneself updated with Bắt kịp với xu hướng gì
All-time favorite songBài hát ưa thích mọi thời đại
To sing out of tune Hát trật nhịp

Bài viết “Music IELTS Speaking” đã tổng hợp những từ vựng và bài mẫu “ăn điểm” về chủ đề này. Hy vọng những thông tin trên sẽ giúp bạn chinh phục phần thi nói một cách dễ dàng hơn. Bạn có thể tham khảo thêm một số bài viết khác của Onluyen để nâng cao khả năng đạt điểm cao của mình nhé!

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