Travel IELTS Speaking: Từ Vựng & Cách Trả Lời Đạt Band Cao

Travel IELTS Speaking là chủ đề thường được xuất hiện trong bài thi Nói. Mặc dù đây là một chủ đề gần gũi và quen thuộc với các thí sinh, một số thí sinh ở trình độ Beginner và  Intermediate vẫn cảm thấy lúng túng khi trả lời các câu hỏi sao cho logic về diễn đạt và đa dạng về từ vựng. Bài viết dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn “xử đẹp” topic Travel này nhé!

Từ vựng và bài mẫu IELTS Speaking topic Travel Part 1

Thông thường, các chủ đề Travelling thường có nội dung hỏi khá giống với các chủ đề Transportation và Holidays. Vì vậy, khi luyện Speaking bạn có thể gộp câu hỏi và từ vựng của các chủ đề này lại để ôn luyện. 

Dưới đây Một số câu hỏi thường gặp và câu trả lời mẫu trong IELTS Speaking Part 1 chủ đề Travel mà bạn có thể tham khảo

Câu hỏi Part 1 IELTS Speaking chủ đề Travel
Câu hỏi Part 1 IELTS Speaking chủ đề Travel
  1. Do you like traveling?

Absolutely! I love traveling, both within Vietnam and to other countries around the world. It’s a great way to learn about different cultures, meet new people, and see amazing places. I also find that traveling helps me to unwind and recharge my batteries after a long week at work. 

  1. Do you like to travel alone or in a group?

I enjoy traveling both alone and in a group, depending on the destination and my mood. When I travel alone, I have the freedom to explore at my own pace and meet new people. I also appreciate the peace and quiet of solo travel. However, when I travel with a group, I enjoy the camaraderie and shared experiences.

  1. In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

I prefer to travel during the shoulder seasons, which are the spring and fall. During these times, the weather is generally mild and there are fewer crowds than in the peak summer or winter seasons. This allows me to enjoy the sights and attractions of my destination without having to deal with extreme heat or cold, or long lines of tourists.

  1. What kind of places have you visited in your life?

As a working person, I crave places that can lift my spirits and give me a boost of energy. I have found this solace in the stunning beaches and lakes of my country. These natural wonders bring me closer to the earth and refresh my soul.

  1. When you visit new places, what do you like to do?

Well, there are many places which I really want to visit, but once-in-a-lifetime, I would like to visit Kerala. It is famous for its greenery, golden beaches and picturesque views. As an admirer of nature’s beauty, this place will be my first preference.

Từ vựng 

  • Unwind: Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi 
  • recharge my batteries: Nạp năng lượng
  • at one’s own pace: thoải mái, phù hợp với bản thân 
  • Camaraderie: tình bạn 
  • shoulder seasons: mùa trung gian giữa mùa cao điểm và thấp điểm, thường là mùa xuân và mùa thu
  • Peak: cao điểm
  • extreme heat: rất nóng nực, khó chịu
  • lift my spirits: nâng cao tình thần
  • give a boost of energy: thúc đẩy năng lượng
  • stunning beaches: bãi biển đẹp
  • refresh my soul: làm mới, thanh lọc tâm hồn 
  • natural wonders: kỳ quan thiên nhiên
  • Once-in-a-lifetime: duy nhất, một lần trong đời

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Câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 1
Câu trả lời IELTS Speaking Part 1

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking topic Travel Part 2

Dưới đây là một ví dụ về bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Travel mà chúng mình sưu tầm được. Bạn đọc có thể tham khảo. 

Describe a trip that you took in the past 

You should say

  • When you had this trip
  • Whom went on with you
  • What did you do during this trip

And explain why you like it

I am going to talk about a tour on bike that I have fortunately had the chance to experience recently. Last month, my mom and dad decided that it was time we left behind the hustle and bustle of the city and lined up an intimate family outing in the countryside to get away from it all. Because my mother has serious motion sickness and we did not want to break the bank for the trip, instead of renting a private car as usual, we decided to travel as backpackers by bike! It was such a brand new experience for me. We were up early in the morning to prepare our luggage and we were ready on our own bikes and then set off for our camping site in a park in the country. Riding a bike granted me the opportunity to go sight-seeing without my view being blocked, which is far more satisfying than looking through the window of a fast-moving car. As we entered the countryside region, a breath-taking view appeared in front of our eyes. Hours of riding our bikes absolutely paid off as we were rewarded by a picturesque vistas of rolling hills towering above borderless green rice fields. That was heavenly beautiful! The real allure of the trip to me is how I got to spend really quality time with my family. We always had to keep in mind that we were a team and we kept together. Every time we took a rest, I would get a chance to see my father take care of my mom and that was the sweetest thing ever, which I had not seen for a while. I could feel our bond growing stronger and stronger each time I or my dad slowed down so that my mom could keep up. This trip is among the best trips that I have taken.

Từ vựng: 

  • Family outings: dã ngoại gia đình
  • Motion/ travel sickness: say xe
  • To break the bank: dùng hết sạch tiền
  • Backpackers: khách du lịch ba lô (người Việt Nam gọi là tây ba lô), chỉ những người đi du lịch mang theo tất cả dụng cụ và quần áo trong 1 chiếc ba lô (một cái túi rất to đeo trên lưng)
  • to get away from it all: thoát khỏi cuộc sống hiện tại, có một kì nghỉ tại một nơi vô cùng yên tĩnh để có thể hoàn toàn thư giãn.
  • To be rewarded by a vista: to see a view, especially a beautiful view from a high position after a hard time: được chiêm ngưỡng một cảnh tượng xinh đẹp/hùng vĩ từ một vị trí cao (khó khăn mới tới được)
  • brand new: hoàn toàn mới
  • hustle and bustle [idm]: sự hỗn loạn và công việc
  • keep (it) in mind that [idm]: nhớ thứ gì đó 
  • keep together [idm]: bám nhau thành nhóm

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Bài mẫu trả lời câu hỏi Part 2 chủ đề Travel trong IELTS Speaking
Bài mẫu trả lời câu hỏi Part 2 chủ đề Travel trong IELTS Speaking

Ý tưởng trả lời câu hỏi Part 3 

Với Part 3, bạn nên chuẩn bị hoặc vạch sẵn các ý tưởng để nói bởi đây là phần đòi hỏi nâng cao về suy luận logic khi nói. Bạn đọc có thể tham khảo câu hỏi và câu trả lời dưới đây để xây brainstorm ý tưởng cho chủ đề Travelling ở Part 3.
1. Should young people travel abroad?

Certainly, yes! Travelling to a foreign country teaches the young things they can’t get at school, for example, budgeting skills. Most young travelers have relatively tight budgets. Dealing with budgets is a vital travel skill to learn, and an imperative skill for a successful life financially. They can also learn problem – solving skills. Things don’t always go as planned, which requires being able to think under pressure—another important skill for every-day life.

  1. Are international trips popular with people in your country?

In the past, it was something only for rich people, but thanks to technological advancements and low-cost airlines, international travelling is now affordable to virtually all classes of Vietnamese people. Therefore it’s getting more and more popular with people in my country. I reckon it is a positive trend due to the benefits of travelling abroad.

  1. What kind of transportation do you choose when you go out?

As for me, my favorite means of transport is the bus. I guess the primary attraction of this transportation is how economical it is compared to the other options. As far as I can tell, the bus fare is so much cheaper than taxi fare or the cost of motorbike fuel and maintenance. Moreover, going by bus is extremely convenient and comfortable. As our government has made an effort to upgrade and expand public transport provision, buses with up-to-date air conditioners and soft seats now extend to every corner of my city. I feel blessed to have access to this means of public transportation.

  1. Do people like to travel by bike in your hometown? Why?

Sadly, my neighboring citizens do not value the bicycle as an optimum means of transport. I guess this stems from the bicycle’s limited speed. As people in my hometown are usually obliged to travel considerable distances to their work places, motorcycles or the car are utilized to speed up their journey time. Another possible reason is that there is yet to be a dedicated cycle lane, so cyclists may find it difficult to compete with other faster and more powerful vehicles for road space.

Trên đây là câu trả lời mẫu mà Ôn luyện đã sưu tầm được xoay quanh chủ đề Travel IELTS Speaking. Hy vọng rằng sau bài viết này bạn đã tích lũy thêm nhiều từ vựng hay và bổ ích, ý tưởng để trả lời câu hỏi đề thi IELTS Speaking các phần. Chúc bạn học tập và đạt được kết quả tốt!

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